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*Please hover your mouse over A course title to reveal its course description.*

Fall 2017

"This foundational course will introduce students to the breadth of the international education field. Course content will emphasize fundamental principles of international education through a focus on essential readings across the broad scope of the International Education Management field. Additionally, the course will emphasize exploration of career specializations through interactions with practitioners and individual course assignments."
Principles and Practices
of International Education
"This course introduces the fundamental essentials of marketing and recruiting as a managerial process. Students who complete the course will understand how to make decisions as managers in educational organizations (as well as similar mission-driven organizations). These decisions will center on the creation and execution of marketing and recruiting strategies that align with the organization’s goals and mission. This decision-making process includes understanding how to identify and evaluate target market opportunities, define and articulate a value proposition, and develop a promotional strategy that takes into consideration competitors,
budgets, and price sensitivities
of the target market."
Marketing & Recruiting for International Educaiton

"Exploring the role of international student and scholar services (ISSS) in U.S. higher education, this course will explore the research and best practices in relation to orientation programs; academic and social integration of international students, scholars, and their families; ISSS office structures; U.S. visa types and immigration regulations; restrictions on employment; and the role of the international student and scholar advisor."

International Student and
Scholar Services

"How is educational policy developed? This course examines the influences of global and national policies on education around the world. Course topics include the role international organizations play in the global governance of education; how nations influence each other through policy borrowing and convergence; and trends and new policy challenges around the world. National policies are also explored, in terms of education as a form of soft power, education as a form of trade, aid for education, and for- profit education. In this course students will have a chance to examine the policies that influenced them, assess a national education policy, and propose alternatives to current educational policies."

International Education

"The Spanish Language and Culture II course provides a panoramic view of some of the most relevant aspects of the language, culture and society of the Spanish-speaking world, particularly in Latin America. The course offers a space for participants to effectively develop their communication skills in Spanish at an intermediate level. The course is designed for graduate students of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey interested in deepening their knowledge of the Spanish language and of some social and political aspects of Latin American society in order to apply them in their personal and professional fields."

 Contemporary Language
& Culture II

"An introduction to the theory and practice of budgeting and financial management with a focus on educational organizations. The course introduces the student to a broad array of budget issues relevant to successful management of educational organizations. The course will examine the role of the budget manager, primary budget elements, phases of the budget cycle, and interpersonal communication skills necessary for effective budgeting and financial management. The course will use a hybrid format combining on-site and on-line sessions as outlined in the syllabus. Content will be provided by the textbook and Canvas using lecture and

case study methods requiring active

student participation in groups."

Budgeting in
Educational Organizations

"This course provides an introduction of the history through current day practices in US education abroad, focused on outbound student mobility (“study abroad”) in US higher education. This course is designed to explore major tenets in the field of education abroad and will cover a variety of topics including: education abroad theory, program models, standards of good practice, student learning abroad, benefits and challenges of education abroad, advising, budgets and case studies, among other key topics in education abroad."

Education Abroad

J-Term 2018

"The course is designed to prepare international educators to respond appropriately, expeditiously, and comprehensively to disasters that befall students and faculty in cross-cultural settings. The course is oriented from the practitioner’s perspective and will cover protocols for on-campus and overseas responses to crises such as natural disasters, political turmoil and terrorism, mental and physical health issues, and criminal activity. The importance of considering cultural values and physical realities when conducting risk assessment and designing a crisis management plan is emphasized. Additional topics to explore include the challenges of dealing with the press and social media, caring for crisis survivors, navigating repatriation and legal issues, and the cultural values and assumptions that cloud cases involving relationship violence, sexual harassment, or rape."

Crisis Management

"The Intercultural Group Dynamics workshop is focused on the challenges diverse groups encounter when working together. Most often, global multicultural teams or local diverse teams face a multitude of challenges – both explicit and implicit - and many fail because of interactions amongst team members that could have been avoided. This course goes right into those issues and how teams can overcome those challenges to achieve their ultimate objectives and true potential."

Group Dynamics

"Focusing on advising roles in international education, this course will teach students introductory communication and advising/counseling techniques for use in one-on-one advising sessions. Course materials and discussion will focus on basic counseling skills, communication, cross cultural interactions, diversity, confidentiality and its limits, how to make referrals, and responding to students in crisis. This course will include experiential and role play activities."

Counseling Skills
for Advising

Spring 2018

"An introduction to the theory

and practice of international education design and assessment, this project-based course provides an opportunity for students to study, explore and apply program development and assessment methods within the international education context. Students put their learning into practice through creation of a program proposal and execution of an assessment plan utilizing tools and research discovered throughout the course."

International Education
Program Design & Assessment

"Introduction to Intercultural Competence addresses the theory and practice of working and living in cultures other than your own,

and focuses on cultural preparation and competency building to engage successfully with diverse cultures. The content of this course identifies a variety of ways for individuals to be more successful in working with diverse groups – both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S. The course is also intended to assist graduate students to develop an awareness of intercultural sensitivity and recognize its value, gain specific intercultural competencies to be more effective in the workplace, and enable students to better understand their own culture and ethnic background so

they can understand others at

a more meaningful level."

Introduction to
Intercultural Competence

"This course will introduce students to the purpose and practice of utilizing logic models for design and assessment in the international education context. This course, taught in a weekend workshop, will emphasize fundamental principles and utilization of Theory of Change and the Program Logic Model. Logic Models are further developed and utilized in the IEM degree program and will specifically compliment your assignments in IEMG 8510: Design and Assessment."

Logic Model

"Survey Design will focus on the various ways that surveys can be used to collect necessary information for program design, development, and assessment. The course will begin with a discussion of the research process (establishing an area of interest, conducting a literature review, developing research questions, selecting an appropriate research design, data collection, data analysis, sharing of findings, building an argument, identifying implications). After a consideration of the possibilities and limitations associated with surveys, we will discuss the macro- and micro-level details of survey design (organization, question order, question types, word choice) and analysis (qualitative, quantitative). We will also consider online tools for collecting survey data, as well as discuss how survey data can be used in conjunction with other data collection methods. Throughout the course students will have an opportunity to evaluate existing surveys and create their own surveys for particular purposes related to their

professional interests and goals."

Survey Design

"This course builds on IEMG 8610: Education Abroad Management (taken prior to or concurrently with this course). Advanced Topics in Education Abroad explores weekly topics related to professional competencies in the field of education abroad. Students will practice strategic thinking skills needed for leadership roles in the management of Education Abroad organizations and programs."

Advanced Topics in
Ed Abroad: I & II

"Examining the complexities of staff management in international and multinational contexts, this course will examine cross-cultural and organizational influences on staff management. The course will also include discussion of work styles, job description development, selection processes, salary negotiation, conflict management and managing teams. Establishing trust, staff motivation, communication skills and leadership styles will also be studied in both organizational and cross-cultural contexts. The course is oriented from the practitioner’s perspective

with relevant case studies."

Staff Management

"How and why do we bring learning out of the traditional classroom context and into broader communities? In what ways does this process expand what counts as knowledge? What skills of intercultural communication are necessary to facilitate bridging these different cultures, and what abilities does one develop as a result? And how do issues of hierarchy, status, power, and identity play a role in diverse interactions among students and community partners? Service-learning is an innovative pedagogical methodology in which students actively participate in civic engagement to enhance their academic curriculum, and share in critical reflection throughout their service to community organizations; it is a means to bridge theory and practice throughout one’s educational experience. In this 2-unit elective you will identify historical philosophies and contemporary paradigms associated with service-learning and civic engagement, along with a number of successful case studies & models. You will also have the opportunity to become a short-term service-learner in a community partner organization, engaging in critical reflection throughout the process. Overall, you will develop relevant knowledge, skills, and dispositions to approach service-learning in critical, respectful, and ethical ways as a means to building meaningful and sustainable partnerships."


"In the course of "Human Rights, Identity and Public Policies in Latin America," we will discuss the relationship between human rights and different issues associated with identity, gender, and inclusion. This course will also investigate the relationship between public policies and the different agents of change."

Spanish: Human Rights,
Identity, and Public Policies
in Latin America
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